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FIRST Randomized Controlled Trial Publication in Children Journal!

We are very pleased and proud of the publication of the article of Dr Sands entitled “Efficacy of the Simeox® ACT in the Homecare Treatment of Children with Clinically Stable Cystic Fibrosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial” in the peer-reviewed Children journal 2023, 10(2), 204 (Special Issue Lung Function, Respiratory and Asthma Disease in Children).🌟

This is a major milestone for PhysioAssist: it is the first published randomized controlled trial of the Simeox technology.

🌿 This crossover, randomized, controlled, superiority trial in 40 children with cystic fibrosis showed that the addition of twice-daily Simeox sessions to the optimal standard of care (HSS/NSS, bronchodilators, dornase alpha, physical activity, autogenic drainage, oPEP) for 1 month at home:

✨ Significantly decreased lung obstruction, preserved global ventilation homogeneity especially of distal tract (LCI)

✨ Increased the quality of life (functional physical capacity) of children

✨ Was safe with no adverse effects

☘️ In addition, the satisfaction of the young patients with Simeox was very high, with the children appreciating the comfort of the therapy and their autonomy to perform their daily bronchial drainage with this technology.

👩‍⚕️ The authors concluded that Simeox as an option in the chronic treatment of CF, may provide better disease management when added to optimal standard treatment for CF.

To read the full publication

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